Planning A Baby Shower

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If you have decided to host a baby shower, you have a lot to think about. To avoid becoming overwhelmed (which could cause you to forget something very important), it's a good idea to follow a step-by-step process.

Make A Guest List

The first step is to make a guest list. Making a guest list is not hard. You just have to be careful to include everyone or you could cause some hurt feelings. People who should be included on the list include relatives, friends and co-workers.

Set A Date And Time

While you are making the list, it is a good idea to think about your guest's schedules. If you have yet to decide on a date and time, thinking about when everyone is most or least likely to be available could help you pick a date. Saturday afternoon is the traditional choice, but these days, many people work on Saturdays. An evening party might be a better choice.

Send Invitations

The next step is to buy invitations and mail them early. Unless you are hand-delivering all of the invites, you want to be sure that everyone gets theirs in time to make their own plans. If the invitation arrives the day before the shower, most of your guests won't make it.

Buy Decorations

You can buy decorations at the same time you choose the invitations. Traditional colors for baby showers include lavender and light green, but any color or theme is fine. Choose something you think the expectant mom will like. After all, she is the guest of honor.

Plan The Menu

The next step might be called menu-planning. You could ask the expectant mom for help with that. What does she like to eat? You don't have to plan a whole meal, but it is traditional to serve appetizers and/or cake at baby showers.

Decide On The Games

It is also traditional to play games. Games are fun. There are dozens of choices. One of the most popular today is to guess Mom's tummy size, although you might want to be careful about that one. Mom could be sensitive about the subject.

Decide On The Prizes

Once you have decided what games to play, you will need to choose some prizes for the winners. The prizes may be small gifts for the winner or a gift to be given to the expectant mom.

Your guests will appreciate it more if the prizes are theirs to keep. They don't have to be large or expensive. A sample-sized bottle of lotion or perfume is a good choice.

Make A Schedule

The final step for planning the baby shower is to write a schedule that includes time for playing games, opening gifts, eating and mingling. You don't have to follow the schedule exactly. It is just a guideline to help you keep the party moving.

See also: Baby Showers Themes And Other Advice For The Planner